Welcome Baby Astrid – My pandemic baby during COVID19

Hi Everyone,

I still can’t believe I’m holding my new baby in my arms! I keep staring at her trying to figure out who she looks like. I heard baby’s face change 7 times in a month. So I’m so curious to see how she will end up looking like!

Oh boy, where do I start?! Well, you guys can read about how I induced myself naturally in my previous post. I honestly was so terrified of being induced I googled EVERYTHING and asked my followers about how they did it! If you haven’t read it, you can read all about here. 

During Covid19 thoughts

If you’ve been following me on IG you’ll know that I was extreme nervous because many hospitals were not allowing their birth partner to stay after birth. Most will have to leave after 2 hours. I honestly don’t know how other moms do it when their birth partner needs to leave. Looking back without my husband there after birth I would be a total MESS. I couldn’t move because I was in so much pain. So I’m so so so thankful that my hospital allowed my husband to stay in the room as long as he doesn’t leave.  Here are some restrictions:

  • No hospital tour (we had this at Markham Hospital, but because of COVID19 this was just not feasible)
  • Depending on the hospital rules. Only 1 birthing partner and they either have to leave 1-2 hours after birth or they would have to stay in the room for 24 hours and can’t leave
  • The hospital nurse have to confirm the mom is in active labour before the birth partner can come in
  • When the birth partner comes in – he/she needs to bring everything hospital bags, and this includes car seat

For the pregnant moms out there – It’s really going to be okay! Just take a deep breath and trust the hospital staff, they were so very professional.

The Day of…

Just like my last labour, I had NO idea today is the day. But for some reason – I always managed to get the “last” photo of myself preggo, and this time around I really didn’t take that many photos. I’m sooo heavy this time hence the belly belt – that thing is a life saver and yes that’s how I walked around for the last 3 weeks!

I remember just walking till the end of the street and told my daughter that’s enough for the day. I just felt something was off but didn’t really think too much of it. The day before I’ve been feeling cramps all day and I was secretly hoping maybe she’s coming, so I waited, and waited….but nothing. So I just thought my body is just doing one of those I’m just in pain with no explanation.

The symptoms

You would think I should know the signs by now since this is my second pregnancy, but it’s true what they say, every pregnancy is different! Here’s what I noticed that were warning signs (I did NOT have this for my 1st pregnancy):

  • Diarrhea
  • Cramps
  • Pressure down there
  • Fatigue (although I was tired through my entire pregnancy, but I was MORE tired that day)
  • Just a feeling something was off
  • A lot of discharge (A LOT)

So, my day started off pretty normal – hoarding toys off Facebook Market, because I’ve been so exhausted so I’ve been buying new things to entertain her. Either it’s craft, toys, water tables. The below paw patrol is my latest purchase, can you believe this thing new is $160?!?! What? I got this off a mom for $90 and it came with all the cars.

How it all started – 9pm

Per usual, we started our bedtime routine at 8pm with our daughter. My husband had plans to meet up with his friend that night. He asked if I needed anything before he left. Told him no, and I decided to take a shower – I started to wash my hair every other day again because I wasn’t sure when I would go into labour and I HATE it when my hair is oily. So just to be safe, I’ve been washing my hair every other day again instead of every 4 days (I know gross).

I felt a bit of a cramp while I was showering, and again I didn’t think too much of it and continued on. When I drying my hair, I THOUGHT I had my first contraction……. but I wasn’t sure because it’s pretty mild. So I continued drying my hair, got dressed and went downstairs to watch some TV.

And I felt another mild contraction that was about 1 min and then goes away. OKAY. Thinking to myself – That is def NOT a cramp, it’s something I’m familiar with. So the cramp is pretty mild and last time took me a good 5 hours before Ariya came out, so I reached for my phone and called my husband (THE ONE TIME HE’s NOT HOME) my contraction starts. What are the chances. Oddly, I was pretty calm – I called twice because he didn’t pick up so I’m like great. I’m going to into labour without him.

He eventually called back and I told him I THINK I’m getting contractions but I’m not too sure because they are pretty mild…. He said he’s coming back and will be home in 15 mins.

I decided to get just get dressed just in case I was going into labour.

Here’s my contractions timer. They were about 5 mins apart which wasn’t that bad. So I figured I have lots of time? Boy was I wrong.

Here’s the thing, I’ve been praying for my contractions to start AFTER we put Ariya to sleep because my dad is home and he’ll be back to stay home with Ariya. She’s a good sleeper and doesn’t get up until 8:30am the next day so she won’t even know what happened (neither did my dad at this point, he actually didn’t know we left the house).

I didn’t want to alarm anyone, so I told my husband we can call our emergency contacts (the godparents and Christine) when I’m SURE I’m in labour. We need someone to take care of Ariya for at least 24 hours. (And no, my dad does not babysit – I think most he spent with her was 5 mins before he returns to his bedroom – you know the traditional dad thing).

The Husband finally arrived home – 10pm

Once he’s home, we call the birthing unit – they told us I have to check in first and my husband needs to stay in the car until they can confirm I was in active labour. When I arrived at Southlake Hospital – it was SOOOO quiet (which was perfect) everyone was in masks and gowns. They asked me the standard questions related to COVID19. Then they wheel chair me to the phone to call the birthing unit upstairs. There I waited for about 10 mins for someone to grab me and wheel chair me to the birthing unit. So at this point – these contracts were coming in STRONG. So I knew it’s time.

At triage, they checked the baby heart rate, my blood pressure to make sure everything good. They then checked my cervix which was 5cm. I’m thinking to myself – ok I got time.

I told my husband it’s time to let the godparents know that they need to look after Ariya tomorrow. Thank goodness for their help! I was so worried about the care for her. They are such a life saver!

In active labour – 11pm

So, finally the nurse told me I can call my husband to come in because I’m now in active labour. She wheel chair me to the birthing room and man these contractions are coming in STRONGGGG. I actually debated about getting an epidural but I didn’t want to slow down the contractions – so I decided to tough it out and asked if I can get laughing gas like last time, BUT because of stupid COVID19 they can’t do it for various of reasons. I was pretty disappointed. The nurse kept checking me and eventually I was at 9cm and they had to break my water (just like last time). As soon as they broke my water – she’s coming.

I was trying so hard to breath properly but there’s just so much pressure down there. My contractions are coming every minute. They were crazy close. I was sweating like there’s no tomorrow.

All the nurses were all geared up and ready to go. In my mind I was still in denial that she was coming already, but they turn the birthing light on, all the staffs were getting the table of tools already.

The doctor arrived – 11:30pm

I actually really wanted to block this memory out because what the doctor was doing was more painful than the actual birth. He LITERALLY PULLED ME OPEN or whatever he was doing to open me up. Mind you, I am doing this without ANYTHING so I felt EVERYTHING.

He kept PULLING down, I’m not sure that helped?? But according to my husband he was trying to open me up so it’s easier for the baby to come out.

Ok so everyone told me to stop screaming and just push. Ya. I can’t because it hurts. And the doctor was PULLING me open for the baby to come out so I can’t exactly not scream. At one point I remember he told me to stop pushing so he can adjust the baby shoulder coming out. UMMMMMMM YOU REALIZE SHE’S HALF WAY OUT RIGHT? AND OH HELL THAT HURT.

That ring of fire that everyone tells you is real.

Baby Astrid came out in about 5 pushes and 14 minutes. She was A LOT quicker than Ariya. My first born took a good 45 mins for me to push her out. Maybe it’s her big head. haha

I didn’t know they reordered everything! So here’s a quick summary of what happened.

I was in so much pain I actually had no idea if she was out or not. I had to ask if she’s out yet. And finally I hear her cry. THANK GOODNESS she’s out!!!!

Doctor: You want her on your skin?
Me: No
Doctor: You want to hold her her?
Me: No
Doctor: You going to breastfeed?
Me: No

Sound familiar? Yes sounds like when I gave birth to my first born. I was so detached. I know most mom cry with tears of joy. And here I am just relieved she’s out.

So, let me tell you. It’ s not over. The doctor have to push whatever left in my stomach and… that’s painful. Then he had to stitch me up. I had ONE tear. He had to stitch me and told me it’s really only ONE stitch and he didn’t want to freeze me. I kept telling him CAN YOU PLEASE JUST FREEZE ME DOWN THERE?! He’s like it’s just one needle, I can just stitch you up, it’s really just one stitch. I couldn’t stay still, so he ended up freezing me which is so much better.

Welcome Astrid – 12AM

She was just perfect.

The Recovery Starts

Because I have diabetes, they had to check my baby blood sugar level 3 times in 12 hours. I felt SO SO SO bad for her, they kept pinching her feet. Her blood sugar is fine thank goodness. But I just felt so bad for her!

Before we can discharge they had to check our blood pressure and do a bunch of other tests. They had to poke her TWICE before she ran out of blood for her to put it on the this paper which has about 9 slots for blood. It was so painful to watch.

OH! and what NO ONE TELLS you is that if this is your second child….. you have these CRAMPS that mimics contractions AFTER BIRTH.

Yes you read that right, apparently your stomach works harder to get the uterus back so these “cramps” tries to do that which is literally mild contractions…… I was so confused and asked the nurse if this was normal because I felt like I was having contractions, AGAIN.

So for the next 5 days I popped Advil extra strength every 4 hours. Everyone tells me I have high pain tolerance to give birth naturally twice. But trust me I’m such a babyyyyyy. I pop so many Advil I ran out and had to send the husband to buy me more.

Because of COVID, we can’t leave the room for 24 hours

So I gave birth at 12am, THERE WAS NO FOOD UNTIL 8AM. OMGGGGGGGGGGG I WAS STARVING GUYS!!!!!! If you are giving birth. PACK FOOD. We packed snacks, but we didn’t pack actual food. I was in STARVATION MODE.

Here’s literally what I ate in 24 hours. I was beyond starved.

It was NOT food. And that tomato soup tasted really really gross…..

So they fed us at 8am, 12pm and 4pm (yes THIS WAS DINNER AT 4PM) O.M.G. WHY.

We couldn’t even leave the room to get food….But I’m not complaining at least my husband was with me for 24 hours. I know some hospitals don’t even allow that.

24 hours we get to discharge

As much as I love the peace and quiet without my toddler asking me 3492304938 questions, I miss her. I was very much ready to leave the hospital.


Hope you guys enjoy reading this post and for all those moms out there giving birth during this pandemic time. You can do it and good luck!







Hi there!

Christine (left) and Evanna (right) have been friends for over 20 years. We are raising 4 little monsters between us, and it's not easy! So why not do it together!? We are each other Godmoms to the kids and they are now Godsibilings.

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